Design, Art, and Style


Painted Deer Skulls


Deer shed their antlers every year. In the late winter just before spring hits, I go hiking in search of these racks. It’s partly to spend time outside as the weather begins to change, and partially to add the antlers to the pile I’ve been accumulating over the years. Last year, I came across these three skulls in different states of decay. The idea that one had a full rack with another broken and the last with no rack at all seemed like it would tell a great story when displayed together.

The line work on the surface of each also work to balance the skulls as they shift from center to right to left, each with their own unique twist. Oddly enough, the skull in the least state of decay with no lower deterioration is the skull with no antlers at all.

I love this piece and display it at the top of my stairs to be seen going to the second floor. It’s equally ominous and enjoyable to see it every time I go upstairs and also to see the startled reaction when people turn the corner and it takes them by surprise. Beautiful as they are, it’s still three skulls hanging on the wall.


As always, I’d love to hear your input on this piece. Love it or hate it, leave a comment below.

- Petr